

Report generated: Sun Dec 22 13:53:02 2024 UTC
Start Time: Sat Dec 21 13:53:02 2024 UTC
End Time: Sun Dec 22 13:53:02 2024 UTC
Report Period: 1.0 days

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Local Clock Time/Frequency Offsets

local offset plot

Percentiles...... Ranges...... Skew- Kurt-
Name Min1%5%50%95% 99%Max   90%98%StdDev  MeanUnits nessosis
Local Clock Time Offset -11.394 -6.522 -5.549 0.651 5.532 7.699 8.946 11.081 14.221 3.250 0.022 µs -4.056 10.02
Local Clock Frequency Offset 17.344 17.368 17.385 17.464 17.548 17.575 17.603 0.163 0.207 0.052 17.463 ppm 3.75e+07 1.255e+10

The time and frequency offsets between the ntpd calculated time and the local system clock. Showing frequency offset (red, in parts per million, scale on right) and the time offset (blue, in μs, scale on left). Quick changes in time offset will lead to larger frequency offsets.

These are fields 3 (time) and 4 (frequency) from the loopstats log file.

Local RMS Time Jitter

local jitter plot

Percentiles...... Ranges...... Skew- Kurt-
Name Min1%5%50%95% 99%Max   90%98%StdDev  MeanUnits nessosis
Local RMS Time Jitter 0.274 0.368 0.442 0.642 0.927 1.391 3.673 0.485 1.023 0.201 0.665 µs 23.87 145.4

The RMS Jitter of the local clock offset. In other words, how fast the local clock offset is changing.

Lower is better. An ideal system would be a horizontal line at 0μs.

RMS jitter is field 5 in the loopstats log file.

Local RMS Frequency Jitter

local stability plot

Percentiles...... Ranges...... Skew- Kurt-
Name Min1%5%50%95% 99%Max   90%98%StdDev  MeanUnits nessosis
Local RMS Frequency Jitter 0.198 0.269 0.341 1.063 3.006 3.590 3.896 2.665 3.321 0.868 1.329 ppb 2.537 6.11

The RMS Frequency Jitter (aka wander) of the local clock's frequency. In other words, how fast the local clock changes frequency.

Lower is better. An ideal clock would be a horizontal line at 0ppm.

RMS Frequency Jitter is field 6 in the loopstats log file.

Local Clock Time Offset Histogram

local offset histogram plot

Percentiles...... Ranges...... Skew- Kurt-
Name Min1%5%50%95% 99%Max   90%98%StdDev  MeanUnits nessosis
Local Clock Offset -11.394 -6.522 -5.549 0.651 5.532 7.699 8.946 11.081 14.221 3.250 0.022 µs -4.056 10.02

The clock offsets of the local clock as a histogram.

The Local Clock Offset is field 3 from the loopstats log file.

Server Offsets

peer offsets plot

The offset of all refclocks and servers. This can be useful to see if offset changes are happening in a single clock or all clocks together.

Clock Offset is field 5 in the peerstats log file.

Server Offset

peer offset plot

Percentiles...... Ranges...... Skew- Kurt-
Name Min1%5%50%95% 99%Max   90%98%StdDev  MeanUnits nessosis
Server Offset -422.344 -134.683 -85.317 16.203 351.819 497.544 644.074 437.136 632.227 135.705 54.938 µs -0.745 4.722

The offset of a server in seconds. This is useful to see how the measured offset is behaving.

The chart also plots offset±rtt, where rtt is the round trip time to the server. NTP can not really know the offset of a remote chimer, NTP computes it by subtracting rtt/2 from the offset. Plotting the offset±rtt reverses this calculation to more easily see the effects of rtt changes.

Closer to 0s is better. An ideal system would be a horizontal line at 0s. Typical 90% ranges may be: local LAN server 80µs; 90% ranges for WAN server may be 4ms and much larger.

Clock Offset is field 5 in the peerstats log file. The Round Trip Time (rtt) is field 6 in the peerstats log file.

Server Offset 2001:470:0:2c8::2 (clock.nyc.he.net)

peer offset 2001:470:0:2c8::2 plot

Percentiles...... Ranges...... Skew- Kurt-
Name Min1%5%50%95% 99%Max   90%98%StdDev  MeanUnits nessosis
Server Offset 2001:470:0:2c8::2 (clock.nyc.he.net) -165.710 -146.736 -109.482 -58.739 -3.360 17.743 58.962 106.122 164.479 33.019 -58.591 µs -29.7 109.4

The offset of a server in seconds. This is useful to see how the measured offset is behaving.

The chart also plots offset±rtt, where rtt is the round trip time to the server. NTP can not really know the offset of a remote chimer, NTP computes it by subtracting rtt/2 from the offset. Plotting the offset±rtt reverses this calculation to more easily see the effects of rtt changes.

Closer to 0s is better. An ideal system would be a horizontal line at 0s. Typical 90% ranges may be: local LAN server 80µs; 90% ranges for WAN server may be 4ms and much larger.

Clock Offset is field 5 in the peerstats log file. The Round Trip Time (rtt) is field 6 in the peerstats log file.

Server Offset

peer offset plot

Percentiles...... Ranges...... Skew- Kurt-
Name Min1%5%50%95% 99%Max   90%98%StdDev  MeanUnits nessosis
Server Offset -19.937 -10.594 -4.329 0.293 2.122 4.174 7.184 6.452 14.768 2.388 -0.149 ms -7.317 41.51

The offset of a server in seconds. This is useful to see how the measured offset is behaving.

The chart also plots offset±rtt, where rtt is the round trip time to the server. NTP can not really know the offset of a remote chimer, NTP computes it by subtracting rtt/2 from the offset. Plotting the offset±rtt reverses this calculation to more easily see the effects of rtt changes.

Closer to 0s is better. An ideal system would be a horizontal line at 0s. Typical 90% ranges may be: local LAN server 80µs; 90% ranges for WAN server may be 4ms and much larger.

Clock Offset is field 5 in the peerstats log file. The Round Trip Time (rtt) is field 6 in the peerstats log file.

Server Offset 2602:fd53:11e:123::2 (time2.mbix.ca)

peer offset 2602:fd53:11e:123::2 plot

Percentiles...... Ranges...... Skew- Kurt-
Name Min1%5%50%95% 99%Max   90%98%StdDev  MeanUnits nessosis
Server Offset 2602:fd53:11e:123::2 (time2.mbix.ca) -129.701 -126.764 -98.696 -63.978 -40.204 -28.264 -21.078 58.492 98.500 17.747 -65.611 µs -118.6 639.3

The offset of a server in seconds. This is useful to see how the measured offset is behaving.

The chart also plots offset±rtt, where rtt is the round trip time to the server. NTP can not really know the offset of a remote chimer, NTP computes it by subtracting rtt/2 from the offset. Plotting the offset±rtt reverses this calculation to more easily see the effects of rtt changes.

Closer to 0s is better. An ideal system would be a horizontal line at 0s. Typical 90% ranges may be: local LAN server 80µs; 90% ranges for WAN server may be 4ms and much larger.

Clock Offset is field 5 in the peerstats log file. The Round Trip Time (rtt) is field 6 in the peerstats log file.

Server Offset 2606:4700:f1::1 (time.cloudflare.com)

peer offset 2606:4700:f1::1 plot

Percentiles...... Ranges...... Skew- Kurt-
Name Min1%5%50%95% 99%Max   90%98%StdDev  MeanUnits nessosis
Server Offset 2606:4700:f1::1 (time.cloudflare.com) -536.868 -530.823 -493.199 -362.518 35.874 66.932 92.139 529.073 597.755 167.286 -300.855 µs -29.47 101.4

The offset of a server in seconds. This is useful to see how the measured offset is behaving.

The chart also plots offset±rtt, where rtt is the round trip time to the server. NTP can not really know the offset of a remote chimer, NTP computes it by subtracting rtt/2 from the offset. Plotting the offset±rtt reverses this calculation to more easily see the effects of rtt changes.

Closer to 0s is better. An ideal system would be a horizontal line at 0s. Typical 90% ranges may be: local LAN server 80µs; 90% ranges for WAN server may be 4ms and much larger.

Clock Offset is field 5 in the peerstats log file. The Round Trip Time (rtt) is field 6 in the peerstats log file.

Server Offset 2606:4700:f1::123 (time.cloudflare.com)

peer offset 2606:4700:f1::123 plot

Percentiles...... Ranges...... Skew- Kurt-
Name Min1%5%50%95% 99%Max   90%98%StdDev  MeanUnits nessosis
Server Offset 2606:4700:f1::123 (time.cloudflare.com) -546.544 -546.544 -536.943 -390.346 -341.723 -314.459 -314.459 195.220 232.085 67.791 -419.314 µs -393 2990

The offset of a server in seconds. This is useful to see how the measured offset is behaving.

The chart also plots offset±rtt, where rtt is the round trip time to the server. NTP can not really know the offset of a remote chimer, NTP computes it by subtracting rtt/2 from the offset. Plotting the offset±rtt reverses this calculation to more easily see the effects of rtt changes.

Closer to 0s is better. An ideal system would be a horizontal line at 0s. Typical 90% ranges may be: local LAN server 80µs; 90% ranges for WAN server may be 4ms and much larger.

Clock Offset is field 5 in the peerstats log file. The Round Trip Time (rtt) is field 6 in the peerstats log file.

Server Offset 2607:f128:1:3::dd1 (dns1.steadfast.net)

peer offset 2607:f128:1:3::dd1 plot

Percentiles...... Ranges...... Skew- Kurt-
Name Min1%5%50%95% 99%Max   90%98%StdDev  MeanUnits nessosis
Server Offset 2607:f128:1:3::dd1 (dns1.steadfast.net) -91.135 -75.174 -60.920 -21.227 26.712 37.901 51.285 87.632 113.075 24.991 -20.918 µs -11.56 33.41

The offset of a server in seconds. This is useful to see how the measured offset is behaving.

The chart also plots offset±rtt, where rtt is the round trip time to the server. NTP can not really know the offset of a remote chimer, NTP computes it by subtracting rtt/2 from the offset. Plotting the offset±rtt reverses this calculation to more easily see the effects of rtt changes.

Closer to 0s is better. An ideal system would be a horizontal line at 0s. Typical 90% ranges may be: local LAN server 80µs; 90% ranges for WAN server may be 4ms and much larger.

Clock Offset is field 5 in the peerstats log file. The Round Trip Time (rtt) is field 6 in the peerstats log file.

Server Offset 2607:f388::123:1 (ntp1.doit.wisc.edu)

peer offset 2607:f388::123:1 plot

Percentiles...... Ranges...... Skew- Kurt-
Name Min1%5%50%95% 99%Max   90%98%StdDev  MeanUnits nessosis
Server Offset 2607:f388::123:1 (ntp1.doit.wisc.edu) -115.375 -96.256 -75.948 -37.835 -4.919 14.739 18.949 71.029 110.995 22.462 -39.386 µs -29.24 107.3

The offset of a server in seconds. This is useful to see how the measured offset is behaving.

The chart also plots offset±rtt, where rtt is the round trip time to the server. NTP can not really know the offset of a remote chimer, NTP computes it by subtracting rtt/2 from the offset. Plotting the offset±rtt reverses this calculation to more easily see the effects of rtt changes.

Closer to 0s is better. An ideal system would be a horizontal line at 0s. Typical 90% ranges may be: local LAN server 80µs; 90% ranges for WAN server may be 4ms and much larger.

Clock Offset is field 5 in the peerstats log file. The Round Trip Time (rtt) is field 6 in the peerstats log file.

Server Offset PPS(0)

peer offset PPS(0) plot

Percentiles...... Ranges...... Skew- Kurt-
Name Min1%5%50%95% 99%Max   90%98%StdDev  MeanUnits nessosis
Server Offset PPS(0) -11.395 -6.523 -5.550 0.652 5.533 7.700 8.947 11.083 14.223 3.251 0.022 µs -4.055 10.02

The offset of a server in seconds. This is useful to see how the measured offset is behaving.

The chart also plots offset±rtt, where rtt is the round trip time to the server. NTP can not really know the offset of a remote chimer, NTP computes it by subtracting rtt/2 from the offset. Plotting the offset±rtt reverses this calculation to more easily see the effects of rtt changes.

Closer to 0s is better. An ideal system would be a horizontal line at 0s. Typical 90% ranges may be: local LAN server 80µs; 90% ranges for WAN server may be 4ms and much larger.

Clock Offset is field 5 in the peerstats log file. The Round Trip Time (rtt) is field 6 in the peerstats log file.

Server Jitters

peer jitters plot

The RMS Jitter of all refclocks and servers. Jitter is the current estimated dispersion, in other words the variation in offset between samples.

Closer to 0s is better. An ideal system would be a horizontal line at 0s.

RMS Jitter is field 8 in the peerstats log file.

Server Jitter

peer jitter plot

Percentiles...... Ranges...... Skew- Kurt-
Name Min1%5%50%95% 99%Max   90%98%StdDev  MeanUnits nessosis
Server Jitter 209.395 243.350 338.576 602.917 856.338 935.560 1,159.635 517.762 692.210 152.128 601.691 µs 34.72 132.3

The RMS Jitter of a server. Jitter is the current estimated dispersion, in other words the variation in offset between samples.

Closer to 0s is better. An ideal system would be a horizontal line at 0s.

RMS Jitter is field 8 in the peerstats log file.

Server Jitter 2001:470:0:2c8::2 (clock.nyc.he.net)

peer jitter 2001:470:0:2c8::2 plot

Percentiles...... Ranges...... Skew- Kurt-
Name Min1%5%50%95% 99%Max   90%98%StdDev  MeanUnits nessosis
Server Jitter 2001:470:0:2c8::2 (clock.nyc.he.net) 6.167 8.830 11.246 22.618 45.750 56.615 71.039 34.504 47.785 10.723 24.606 µs 7.192 23.4

The RMS Jitter of a server. Jitter is the current estimated dispersion, in other words the variation in offset between samples.

Closer to 0s is better. An ideal system would be a horizontal line at 0s.

RMS Jitter is field 8 in the peerstats log file.

Server Jitter

peer jitter plot

Percentiles...... Ranges...... Skew- Kurt-
Name Min1%5%50%95% 99%Max   90%98%StdDev  MeanUnits nessosis
Server Jitter 2.613 2.661 7.220 16.490 40.959 65.884 105.248 33.739 63.223 11.400 18.913 ms 5.034 26.7

The RMS Jitter of a server. Jitter is the current estimated dispersion, in other words the variation in offset between samples.

Closer to 0s is better. An ideal system would be a horizontal line at 0s.

RMS Jitter is field 8 in the peerstats log file.

Server Jitter 2602:fd53:11e:123::2 (time2.mbix.ca)

peer jitter 2602:fd53:11e:123::2 plot

Percentiles...... Ranges...... Skew- Kurt-
Name Min1%5%50%95% 99%Max   90%98%StdDev  MeanUnits nessosis
Server Jitter 2602:fd53:11e:123::2 (time2.mbix.ca) 6.972 7.759 11.427 24.620 44.232 50.471 62.179 32.805 42.712 9.811 25.640 µs 9.588 28.98

The RMS Jitter of a server. Jitter is the current estimated dispersion, in other words the variation in offset between samples.

Closer to 0s is better. An ideal system would be a horizontal line at 0s.

RMS Jitter is field 8 in the peerstats log file.

Server Jitter 2606:4700:f1::1 (time.cloudflare.com)

peer jitter 2606:4700:f1::1 plot

Percentiles...... Ranges...... Skew- Kurt-
Name Min1%5%50%95% 99%Max   90%98%StdDev  MeanUnits nessosis
Server Jitter 2606:4700:f1::1 (time.cloudflare.com) 4.449 7.357 10.877 26.427 75.442 301.583 333.567 64.565 294.226 40.002 35.444 µs 4.994 34.06

The RMS Jitter of a server. Jitter is the current estimated dispersion, in other words the variation in offset between samples.

Closer to 0s is better. An ideal system would be a horizontal line at 0s.

RMS Jitter is field 8 in the peerstats log file.

Server Jitter 2606:4700:f1::123 (time.cloudflare.com)

peer jitter 2606:4700:f1::123 plot

Percentiles...... Ranges...... Skew- Kurt-
Name Min1%5%50%95% 99%Max   90%98%StdDev  MeanUnits nessosis
Server Jitter 2606:4700:f1::123 (time.cloudflare.com) 7.300 7.300 12.069 24.136 42.887 50.457 50.457 30.818 43.157 9.074 25.010 µs 11.3 35.64

The RMS Jitter of a server. Jitter is the current estimated dispersion, in other words the variation in offset between samples.

Closer to 0s is better. An ideal system would be a horizontal line at 0s.

RMS Jitter is field 8 in the peerstats log file.

Server Jitter 2607:f128:1:3::dd1 (dns1.steadfast.net)

peer jitter 2607:f128:1:3::dd1 plot

Percentiles...... Ranges...... Skew- Kurt-
Name Min1%5%50%95% 99%Max   90%98%StdDev  MeanUnits nessosis
Server Jitter 2607:f128:1:3::dd1 (dns1.steadfast.net) 8.721 11.999 17.737 34.007 72.649 162.713 237.139 54.912 150.714 25.201 39.249 µs 6.088 39.49

The RMS Jitter of a server. Jitter is the current estimated dispersion, in other words the variation in offset between samples.

Closer to 0s is better. An ideal system would be a horizontal line at 0s.

RMS Jitter is field 8 in the peerstats log file.

Server Jitter 2607:f388::123:1 (ntp1.doit.wisc.edu)

peer jitter 2607:f388::123:1 plot

Percentiles...... Ranges...... Skew- Kurt-
Name Min1%5%50%95% 99%Max   90%98%StdDev  MeanUnits nessosis
Server Jitter 2607:f388::123:1 (ntp1.doit.wisc.edu) 7.934 9.729 15.898 29.832 227.660 334.841 512.719 211.762 325.112 70.369 49.816 µs 3.121 16.3

The RMS Jitter of a server. Jitter is the current estimated dispersion, in other words the variation in offset between samples.

Closer to 0s is better. An ideal system would be a horizontal line at 0s.

RMS Jitter is field 8 in the peerstats log file.

Server Jitter PPS(0)

peer jitter PPS(0) plot

Percentiles...... Ranges...... Skew- Kurt-
Name Min1%5%50%95% 99%Max   90%98%StdDev  MeanUnits nessosis
Server Jitter PPS(0) 0.092 0.250 0.350 0.719 1.647 2.239 9.222 1.297 1.989 0.436 0.827 µs 5.84 36.53

The RMS Jitter of a server. Jitter is the current estimated dispersion, in other words the variation in offset between samples.

Closer to 0s is better. An ideal system would be a horizontal line at 0s.

RMS Jitter is field 8 in the peerstats log file.


Percentiles...... Ranges...... Skew- Kurt-
Name Min1%5%50%95% 99%Max   90%98%StdDev  MeanUnits nessosis
Local Clock Frequency Offset 17.344 17.368 17.385 17.464 17.548 17.575 17.603 0.163 0.207 0.052 17.463 ppm 3.75e+07 1.255e+10
Local Clock Time Offset -11.394 -6.522 -5.549 0.651 5.532 7.699 8.946 11.081 14.221 3.250 0.022 µs -4.056 10.02
Local RMS Frequency Jitter 0.198 0.269 0.341 1.063 3.006 3.590 3.896 2.665 3.321 0.868 1.329 ppb 2.537 6.11
Local RMS Time Jitter 0.274 0.368 0.442 0.642 0.927 1.391 3.673 0.485 1.023 0.201 0.665 µs 23.87 145.4
Server Jitter 209.395 243.350 338.576 602.917 856.338 935.560 1,159.635 517.762 692.210 152.128 601.691 µs 34.72 132.3
Server Jitter 2001:470:0:2c8::2 (clock.nyc.he.net) 6.167 8.830 11.246 22.618 45.750 56.615 71.039 34.504 47.785 10.723 24.606 µs 7.192 23.4
Server Jitter 2.613 2.661 7.220 16.490 40.959 65.884 105.248 33.739 63.223 11.400 18.913 ms 5.034 26.7
Server Jitter 2602:fd53:11e:123::2 (time2.mbix.ca) 6.972 7.759 11.427 24.620 44.232 50.471 62.179 32.805 42.712 9.811 25.640 µs 9.588 28.98
Server Jitter 2606:4700:f1::1 (time.cloudflare.com) 4.449 7.357 10.877 26.427 75.442 301.583 333.567 64.565 294.226 40.002 35.444 µs 4.994 34.06
Server Jitter 2606:4700:f1::123 (time.cloudflare.com) 7.300 7.300 12.069 24.136 42.887 50.457 50.457 30.818 43.157 9.074 25.010 µs 11.3 35.64
Server Jitter 2607:f128:1:3::dd1 (dns1.steadfast.net) 8.721 11.999 17.737 34.007 72.649 162.713 237.139 54.912 150.714 25.201 39.249 µs 6.088 39.49
Server Jitter 2607:f388::123:1 (ntp1.doit.wisc.edu) 7.934 9.729 15.898 29.832 227.660 334.841 512.719 211.762 325.112 70.369 49.816 µs 3.121 16.3
Server Jitter PPS(0) 0.092 0.250 0.350 0.719 1.647 2.239 9.222 1.297 1.989 0.436 0.827 µs 5.84 36.53
Server Offset -422.344 -134.683 -85.317 16.203 351.819 497.544 644.074 437.136 632.227 135.705 54.938 µs -0.745 4.722
Server Offset 2001:470:0:2c8::2 (clock.nyc.he.net) -165.710 -146.736 -109.482 -58.739 -3.360 17.743 58.962 106.122 164.479 33.019 -58.591 µs -29.7 109.4
Server Offset -19.937 -10.594 -4.329 0.293 2.122 4.174 7.184 6.452 14.768 2.388 -0.149 ms -7.317 41.51
Server Offset 2602:fd53:11e:123::2 (time2.mbix.ca) -129.701 -126.764 -98.696 -63.978 -40.204 -28.264 -21.078 58.492 98.500 17.747 -65.611 µs -118.6 639.3
Server Offset 2606:4700:f1::1 (time.cloudflare.com) -536.868 -530.823 -493.199 -362.518 35.874 66.932 92.139 529.073 597.755 167.286 -300.855 µs -29.47 101.4
Server Offset 2606:4700:f1::123 (time.cloudflare.com) -546.544 -546.544 -536.943 -390.346 -341.723 -314.459 -314.459 195.220 232.085 67.791 -419.314 µs -393 2990
Server Offset 2607:f128:1:3::dd1 (dns1.steadfast.net) -91.135 -75.174 -60.920 -21.227 26.712 37.901 51.285 87.632 113.075 24.991 -20.918 µs -11.56 33.41
Server Offset 2607:f388::123:1 (ntp1.doit.wisc.edu) -115.375 -96.256 -75.948 -37.835 -4.919 14.739 18.949 71.029 110.995 22.462 -39.386 µs -29.24 107.3
Server Offset PPS(0) -11.395 -6.523 -5.550 0.652 5.533 7.700 8.947 11.083 14.223 3.251 0.022 µs -4.055 10.02
Summary as CSV file


frequency offset:
The difference between the ntpd calculated frequency and the local system clock frequency (usually in parts per million, ppm)
jitter, dispersion:
The short term change in a value. NTP measures Local Time Jitter, Refclock Jitter, and Server Jitter in seconds. Local Frequency Jitter is in ppm or ppb.
kurtosis, Kurt:
The kurtosis of a random variable X is the fourth standardized moment and is a dimension-less ratio. ntpviz uses the Pearson's moment coefficient of kurtosis. A normal distribution has a kurtosis of three. NIST describes a kurtosis over three as "heavy tailed" and one under three as "light tailed".
ms, millisecond:
One thousandth of a second = 0.001 seconds, 1e-3 seconds
mu, mean:
The arithmetic mean: the sum of all the values divided by the number of values. The formula for mu is: "mu = (∑xi) / N". Where xi denotes the data points and N is the number of data points.
ns, nanosecond:
One billionth of a second, also one thousandth of a microsecond, 0.000000001 seconds and 1e-9 seconds.
The value below which a given percentage of values fall.
ppb, parts per billion:
Ratio between two values. These following are all the same: 1 ppb, one in one billion, 1/1,000,000,000, 0.000,000,001, 1e-9 and 0.000,000,1%
ppm, parts per million:
Ratio between two values. These following are all the same: 1 ppm, one in one million, 1/1,000,000, 0.000,001, and 0.000,1%
‰, parts per thousand:
Ratio between two values. These following are all the same: 1 ‰. one in one thousand, 1/1,000, 0.001, and 0.1%
Reference clock, a local GPS module or other local source of time.
remote clock:
Any clock reached over the network, LAN or WAN. Also called a peer or server.
time offset:
The difference between the ntpd calculated time and the local system clock's time. Also called phase offset.
σ, sigma:
Sigma denotes the standard deviation (SD) and is centered on the arithmetic mean of the data set. The SD is simply the square root of the variance of the data set. Two sigma is simply twice the standard deviation. Three sigma is three times sigma. Smaller is better.
The formula for sigma is: "σ = √[ ∑(xi-mu)^2 / N ]". Where xi denotes the data points and N is the number of data points.
skewness, Skew:
The skewness of a random variable X is the third standardized moment and is a dimension-less ratio. ntpviz uses the Pearson's moment coefficient of skewness. Wikipedia describes it best: "The qualitative interpretation of the skew is complicated and unintuitive."
A normal distribution has a skewness of zero.
upstream clock:
Any server or reference clock used as a source of time.
µs, us, microsecond:
One millionth of a second, also one thousandth of a millisecond, 0.000,001 seconds, and 1e-6 seconds.

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